
Hello, my name is Clara Nkonyelum

Welcome to my blog page. 

This blog page is set up to be an interactive forum for sharing ideas, thoughts and opinions on things happening around us. I write on topics I find either interesting or boring. I promote useful items or projects by redirecting my website visitors to those items. Visitors to the site can share their thoughts by commenting on the posts. I am interested in writing and publicizing new products in the market.

I am an avid reader who is always interested in learning, knowing other people's opinion and sharing my thoughts.

Summary (About Me):
I enjoy travelling and learning foreign languages and cultures
I have passion for music and dancing; sports and exercises (gym, walk, jogging, etc.) for fitness
I like socializing and meeting people
I am very dedicated and never give up on any difficult situation 
I love cooking - always trying out different menus/recipes - very mindful of my weight, though

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